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Volunteer Opportunities in the Kalamazoo Area

Here at South Michigan Food Bank, we love our volunteers and know the incredible impact of the gift of time. We also know that you want to serve your community by doing something you’re passionate about. That’s why we’ve put together this list of volunteer opportunities in Kalamazoo County — through your unique gifts and your generosity, you can change lives in the greater Kalamazoo area!
Senior Services

Senior Services Southwest Michigan is a private, non-profit that encompasses over 20 services that support the independence and well-being of older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers throughout Southwest Michigan!

Highlighted Opportunities

  • Meals on Wheels: Deliver meals to homebound seniors and folks in need of nutritional assistance! Routes go out 10:30am–1pm, Monday–Friday.
  • Home Repair Program: Build wheelchair ramps and accomplish minor home repair projects.
  • Telephone Reassurance Program: Formerly “Friendly Visitor,” but adapted to be COVID-friendly, chat with seniors over the phone to provide some friendly conversation and companionship!

These opportunities are available in both Kalamazoo and Calhoun counties!

Visit to view all of the volunteer projects and apply!

Catholic Charities: Diocese of Kalamazoo

Mission — We are God’s hands, providing housing, health, and hope to His children.

Vision — We envision respect for human dignity and ever-increasing stability and independence for individuals, families, and communities we serve.

Highlighted Opportunities

  • Emergency Food Driver Volunteer: Deliver food to families/individuals in need in Calhoun and Kalamazoo counties! Must be 19 years of age, provide driver’s license, proof of auto insurance, and completed background clearances.

Visit to view all of the volunteer opportunities Catholic Charities: Diocese of Kalamazoo volunteer projects and apply!

YWCA Kalamazoo

YWCA Kalamazoo is your ally who is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities. YWCA Kalamazoo provides individuals and families with victim-focused counseling and advocacy services as well as shelter for survivors of violence, transitional housing, and legal services.

Highlighted Opportunities

  • Victim Services Program: Provide support to clients, victims, and their family and friends in various capacities. Involves training and a minimum one year commitment.
  • Classroom Assistants: Help with child care, reading, outdoor play, interact with children, clean/organize classrooms, help teachers, and assist during teacher planning hour! Monday–Friday, 7am–9am.

Visit to view YWCA Kalamazoo’s volunteer project areas and apply!

Communities in Schools

CIS surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and succeed in life.

Highlighted Opportunities

  • Tutoring: A 100% virtual opportunity to work with Kalamazoo Public Schools students one-on-one or in a group setting to help them succeed! Some kids need help with math or reading, while others are hoping for someone to listen to them, to talk and laugh with, someone whom they can depend on to be there — just for them.

Visit to view all of their volunteer projects and sign up!

American Red Cross | Michigan Region

Red Cross volunteers and staff work to deliver vital services – from providing relief and support to those in crisis, to helping you be prepared to respond in emergencies.

Highlighted Opportunities

  • Blood Donor Ambassador: Provide excellent and enthusiastic customer service to enhance the blood donor experience, and engage with blood donors to promote blood donation and set the stage for a long-term commitment to regular blood donations! Sign up here.
  • Disaster Action Team Member: Serve on a Disaster Action Team as a worker (in-training) on a DAT response to provide 24-hour immediate support and assistance to individuals and families who have been impacted by a home fire or other local disaster! Sign up here.

Know of another great volunteer opportunity in Kalamazoo? Fill us in at!

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