
We're committed to serving our communities through COVID-19!

Volunteer Policy

Volunteers and guests are welcome to bring masks for their own comfort, but they are not required!

We are committed to keeping our volunteers safe as we work together to continue feeding our communities. If you or your family members are having flu, cold, or virus symptoms, we ask that you help us protect our community and stay home.

Here are the steps we are taking to protect our volunteers, clients, and staff against COVID-19:

  • Practicing social distancing measures
  • Asking that you wash your hands with soap and water before volunteering
  • Providing alcohol-based hand sanitizers, cleaning wipes and solutions, and tissues
  • Cleaning and sanitizing of the entire Food Bank, including the volunteer area tables, door handles, sink handles, and other frequently touched surfaces

How You Can Help

To support South Michigan Food Bank and supply our neighbors with food needed now more than ever, you can:

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