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Full Tables, Enriched Lives

Like food banks across the nation, South Michigan Food Bank faces a challenge: higher demand, lower resources. Supply chain interruptions and limited availability of bulk donated food mean that we are spending 50% more on food than we were pre-pandemic to fill that gap.

In South Michigan, more than 150,000 people are experiencing hunger and this number is growing as families spend 10% more on groceries and about $3,000 more this year on gas.

Support the 2022 Summer Campaign to ensure every family has full tables and enriched lives. Make a gift today.


While food banks are known for distributing large quantities of non-perishable foods, we know that these are not sufficient as the main source of food and nutrition for families.

So, year-round, we provide fresh produce, meat, dairy, and bakery items in addition to pantry staples — so every family can supplement their meals, not make sacrifices. Children, parents, and caretakers rely on our Fresh Food Distributions to acquire foods for well-rounded, nutritious meals. This year, it costs families 10% more to buy groceries. 


Throughout the school year, 778,259 Michigan children rely on school-provided meals. When kids are out of school for the summer, families lose access to these school meals, meaning they are making cuts in other essential areas of their budget to afford food or they are simply unable to buy the food for their household.


Throughout the summer, South Michigan Food Bank reinvests in the community by partnering with local farmers to purchase 360,000 pounds of fresh-picked produce. Our partners, Lee & Karen Swift of Swift Pumpkins & Produce (R), provide us with delicious vegetables like cucumbers, peppers, squash, and more. Read their story here.

We partner with 100 community organizations to provide families with fresh food, much of which comes from these farmers.


South Michigan Food Bank has a fleet of 9 trucks and 7 on-staff drivers; every week, they make it possible for us to reach eight counties. With high demand, rising gas prices, and twice as many outgoing loads of food, we are spending 32% more to deliver food than we were in 2019, for a total of $245,000 January through May this year.

The reach our drivers and trucks give us is critical — it means getting food into the hands of South Michigan families and alleviating instability caused by the rising prices of essentials, including food and gas.

Join the movement to end hunger this summer! Make a gift today to ensure that every family and child has access to nutritious meals for bright futures and healthy lives.

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